
佐治 重衡
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
福島県立医科大学 腫瘍内科学講座 教授
Professor of the Department of Medical Oncology
Fukushima Medical University
The term "multidisciplinary team approach" is no longer just a phrase uttered in medical school admissions interviews. First, however, you need to experience the essence of team medicine and know what is essential to practice it for the benefit of patients. J-TOP has been working for this purpose for over 20 years.
And to maintain our work and develop it into something more international in the future, we
need your help, encouragement, and support. So we would like your help and encouragement to sustain our activities and develop them into more international ones.

腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
鳥取大学医学部附属病院 Tottori University Hospital
At JTOP, we can learn what it takes to be essential as medical professionals. It also allows us to deepen our learning. There is no other learning opportunity like this in cancer care. We believe that the quality of communication and trust among medical professionals will increase due to our program. We also believe that patients and their families will benefit from more significant healing of the mind and satisfaction with cancer care. We are confident we can contribute to society by making patients and their families more secure and satisfied with cancer care. JTOP is engaged in activities that take time and are challenging to show instant results. Nevertheless, through our activities at JTOP, we hope to make it easier for people living with cancer to live more comfortably. Please support the activities of JTOP.