
京都民医連中央病院 腫瘍内科医長
Pham Nguyen Quy ファム・グェン・クィーさん
Through JTOP's various activities, I have gained a deep understanding of teamwork in oncology and learned many skills to improve my daily practice with good relationships with my teammates.
I also enjoyed connecting with wonderful medical professionals from all over the world through JTOP. Via this precious network, I received many opinions and hints to proceed meaningful activities to meet the various needs of cancer patients. I hope to extend this wonderful initiative to Vietnam in the form of VTOP!

Rph Oncology Pharmacist
J-TOP encourages participants to efficiently conduct team medical care.
In particular, in the annual workshop, there are various input courses including lectures on mission and vision, and you can actively practice them.
I learned about the process of setting a mission and vision, the importance of self-awareness, and the concept of a career and so on. Of course, it wasn't the end of what I learned in a few days at the workshop, and if I wanted to, I was helped to continue to receive support for team activities. Even while COVID-19 is prevalent, we meet online once a month to share each other's situation, and we still have the opportunity to share education. I am grateful to be supported again through JTOP programs and hope that this project continues much longer to the others, too.

University of Santo Tomas Hospital
Warren Bacorroさん
I first joined JTOP in 2019. The organization helped me grow through workshops on team science and evidence-based medicine, and access to mentors and like-minded peers. Specifically, it helped me as a mid-career clinician-researcher, navigate through the challenges and difficult decisions at this stage of my career.
私が初めて JTOP に参加したのは 2019 年でした。組織は、チーム サイエンスとエビデンスに基づく医療に関するワークショップ、メンターや同様の動機を持つ仲間へのアクセスを通じて、私が成長するのを助けてくれました。具体的には、中堅の臨床医兼研究者として、キャリアのこの段階で課題や困難な決定を乗り越えるのに役立ちました.

B.S. (Physics), M.D., Ph.D. (Biomedical Engineering)
Radiation Oncologist and Neurologist Attending Physician
National Taiwan University Hospital
Hsiang-Kuang Tony Liang (梁祥光) さん
When I attended J-TOP Workshop for the first time in 2017, I learned the importance of psychological safety and social sensitivity in team development. After becoming a J-TOP International Tutor and Mentor, I have been inspired by the teamwork and passion for cancer patient care from J-TOP members. As a hospital medical director and primary investigator of a translational cancer research laboratory, I have been able to apply the teamwork skills l learned to coordinate and lead a team. In 2021 I began T (Taiwan)-TOP Workshop with J-TOP members. Our mission is to bring multidisciplinary people together to improve cancer patient care in Taiwan.
2017年に初めてJ-TOPのワークショップに参加し、チームの発展における心理的安全性や社会的感受性の重要性を学びました。J-TOP International Tutor and Mentorになってからは、J-TOPメンバーのチームワークとがん患者ケアへの情熱に刺激を受けています。私は病院の診療部長として、またトランスレーショナルがん研究所の主任研究員として、私が学んだチームワークスキルをチームのコーディネートやリーダーシップに応用することができました。2021年、私はJ-TOPのメンバーとT(Taiwan)-TOP Workshopを開始しました。私たちのミッションは、台湾のがん患者ケアを改善するために、多職種の人々を結集させることです。