J-TOP ワークショップ参加者より
J-TOP 参加者インタビュー

近藤 千紘
腫瘍内科 医師 Medical Oncologist
National Cancer Center Hospital East Department of Medical Oncology
がん患者さんを中心としたチーム医療を成功させるのに必要なものはなんだろうか?それを知りたくてJ-TOPのセミナーに参加しました。High-Performing Teamに必要なマインドセットを学び、頼りになる他職種の仲間の存在を知り、がんサバイバーの生の声を聴き、国内だけでなく米国・アジアからの参加者と一緒に考え抜く過程は、すべてのがん医療に携わる皆さまに体験してほしい、かけがえのない時間でした。ぜひこれからも、J-TOPの活動を続けさせてください!
What is essential for successful cancer patient-centered team practice? That's the question I wanted to know, and I attended J-TOP's seminar. The process of learning the mindset required for a High-Performing Team, learning about the existence of reliable colleagues in other professions, listening to the real voices of cancer survivors, and thinking through the issues together with participants not only from Japan but also from the U.S. and Asia was an irreplaceable time that I want everyone involved in cancer care to experience. Please let J-TOP continue its activities

鈴木 美慧
認定遺伝カウンセラー Certified Genetic Counselor
学校法人聖路加国際大学 聖路加国際病院 遺伝診療部
St. Luke's International Hospital, Department of Clinical Genetics
The JTOP workshop was an eye opening experience for me. As a genetic counselor, I have always been conscious of self-awareness and interaction with others in my work, but through the lectures, I was able to make scientific sense of each of my actions.
We need scientific and logical strategies to improve ourselves and our teams. JTOP is the place where we can learn. I would like to welcome many people to join the JTOP activity and work together with them to discuss the issues of healthcare and the future of Japan.

田邉亜純 Asumi Tanabe
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
千葉大学医学部附属病院 Chiba University Hospital
Participating in the J-TOP program has encouraged me to think deeply about patient-centered multidisciplinary care, keeping the vision and mission in my mind at all times. In addition, I am still connected with people I met in this program, and I get a lot of inspiration that I can apply to my daily practice.

勤医協中央病院 医師 剱持喜之